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MedDream rebranding allows customizing these areas of the product: system name, product (system) logotype, company logotype, login logotype, and theme color.
See the example of rebranding_configuration.json:
For more information please check the MedDream Install Manual document 9. Rebranding section.
Name of the system. Displayed at top of About dialog, overrides the product name in browser tab titles, below login form and below search results.
After rebranding:
Before rebranding:
Product logo displayed in Viewer window. In order to change Product logotype in View window, please follow these steps:
After rebranding:
Before rebranding:
Company logotype displayed in the About dialog. In order to change Company logotype to your own, please follow these steps:
After rebranding:
Before rebranding:
Login logotype displayed in Login window. In order to change logotype in Login window to your own, please follow these steps:
After rebranding:
Before rebranding:
Theme color. Available colors are red, blue, orange, and green:
In order to change logotype, color and System Name information in About window, please follow these steps:
After rebranding:
Before rebranding:
NOTE: If you are using MedDream DICOM Viewer v7.8.0 or older to be able to rebrand MedDream you need to contact to have rebranding possibility enabled for your license.
It is possible to integrate only MedDream Viewport to your application. MedDream can be integrated into clients’ application by adding Viewport as a web component:
A client can develop a thumbnail bar, toolbar and other UI elements to call MedDream functions.
NOTE: In order to have MedDream certified when using only Viewport integration About window must to be integrated in the Viewport.
Read more about MedDream Viewport integration or watch Viewport introduction video, please check: DOCS & API > Installation & Integration Guide > Viewport API.