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Release notes 8.4.0

MedDream DICOM Viewer v8.4.0 (2024-04-15)


  • New functionality: displaying mammography CAD SR findings information on images, show/hide function available;
  • New functionality: created possibility to show DICOM Overlay in GUI (possibility to enable/disable);
  • New functionality in MIST Oblique – Planar Reconstruction (CPR) Curved;
  • New functionality: Horizontal tool for NM studies;
  • New functionality: the viewport will display the compression type and ratio for lossy compression images;
  • Possibility to add/remove plugins and change some settings in without restarting MedDream;
  • New functionality – MedDream Auto Login by Active Directory SSO;
  • New functionality – Advanced PET: opening multiple PET reconstructions. Sagittal or Coronal reconstructions possibility to rotate around X axis;
  • Improved Flexpoly and Area measurements: added statistical information as in Ellipse measurement;
  • Improved Zoom functionality: zoom is mirrored when Align & Lock Left/Right is activated;
  • Improved Multi series layouts: added 3×2, 3×3, 4×3 combinations;
  • Improved/fixed Live Share functionality: measurements can be shared;
  • Improved/fixed Montage functionality: added a shortcut to add image into Montage, improved montage saving (remain the same layout as in view), added in montage view patient ID, name, and study date; Comparison study date is marked with a gray color; Added possibility to minimize Montage window;
  • Improved Crosshair functionality – to work between MIST Oblique and other views in the viewports;
  • Improved MIST Oblique – Added possibility to set bigger MIP values in created reconstructions;
  • Improved Fusion functionality – possibility to use Fusion with MIST Oblique. Added fusion management tools to set transparency level and Color palette functionalities;
  • Improved 4D Tools functionality – added possibility to mark matching description series, improved filtering and marking functions;
  • Improved KO/PR saving – added user information on saving PR, possibility to select PR description from the list (configurable); to store inversion information in PR;
  • Improved HP v2 version – added the possibility to set the matching series number in the series conditions, and the possibility to automatically start MIST Oblique for the series;
  • Improved ECG functionality – the grid color was changed;
  • Improved ANONYMOUS_VIEW permission – Accession Number value is included in the anonymization list;
  • Improved Token functionality: added possibility to configure basic-auth validation;
  • Improved Communication API: added method to get DICOM tags information and show it in the viewport; added methods to get Hanging Protocol list and set them;
  • Improved Viewport API: breaking changes in Viewport API functionality, check documentation before updating. Possibility to set created annotations as read-only, set different colors; Method to get Patient Date of Birth;
  • Updated dependencies and 3rd party libraries.

Known limitations:

  • Internet Explorer 11 is not supported;
  • Mozilla Firefox and Chrome browsers have certain memory limitations: MIST Oblique functionality will fail on series where uncompressed DICOM data is larger than 2 GB;
  • Only the first PDF page is shown If the DICOM PDF study is opened in mobile browsers (depending on mobile and browser version behavior could be different).

Known bugs:

  • Safari and Firefox problems: preview is not working for some video studies because of these browsers’ limited video format support.

Read more about 8.4.0 new features or try its ONLINE DEMO now!

Download the newest MedDream DICOM Viewer v8.4.0 version.

Linux users: for upgrading to the newest version, please follow the link: Upgrading to MedDream v8.4.0 for (Linux) or read Installation & Service Manual page no 154.

Windows users: for upgrading to the newest version, please follow the link: Upgrading to MedDream v8.4.0 for (Windows) or read Installation & Service Manual page no 156.

NOTE: MedDream releases are maintained for 1 year period from the release date.


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*Purchased updates: the right to get newest updates and improvements.

Possible installed version scenarios:

Newest version: updates are purchased and the newest MedDream version is used.

Supported version: updates are purchased and a MedDream version that is not the newest but not older than 1 year from the release date is used.

Unsupported version: updates are purchased but a MedDream version which is older than 1 year from the release date is used.

Unsupported version (without updates): updates are not purchased and a MedDream version which is older than 1 year from the release date is used.