NEW! DICOM Library VET for veterinary specialists




MedDream VET dicom viewer

Free online veterinary knowledge exchange portal – VET DICOM Library.

VET DICOM Library is free online veterinary images or video files sharing and anonymizing service for educational and scientific purposes.

VET DICOM Library is intended for veterinary professionals, such as radiologists, cardiologists, and other specialists, as well as for veterinary professors and students, who are working with studies in DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) format, i. e. DICOM files, DICOM images, signals, videos and similar data. Users have a possibility to share anonymized DICOM images online with their colleagues quickly. To read more, please press here.

Try FREE ONLINE veterinary file sharing service:

VET Dicom Library For Veterinary Imaging

Read more about Softneta’s veterinary imaging solutions or try VET DICOM Viewer online.